Thursday, October 31, 2019

Leadership & Organizational Behavior Research Paper - 1

Leadership & Organizational Behavior - Research Paper Example I believe there are many efficient leaders in the past as well as in the current business scenario who gained the ability to significantly influence the business world trends with their unmatched leadership skills. However, when it comes to me, I feel Judy Schmeling is the one who has been performing extremely well as an efficient leader as the EVP and CFO of HSNi LLC (Bloomberg, 2013). I firmly support that she has the ability to perform various tasks efficiently and successfully at any position within the organization. Thus, I believe that leadership style that is being practiced by her is indeed eligible for appreciation. I strongly admit, whenever I get opportunity in my life, I would definitely try to emulate her leadership style into my professional career. Notably, there are different types of leadership styles generally followed by organizational leaders. These different styles of leadership are often observed to be duly adhered in different situations by effective leaders ra ther than focusing on a particular style. It would be worth mentioning in this context that none of the leadership styles is most perfect to act as the most efficient solution in today’s business world. Thus, the selection of the leadership style should be flexible enough to meet the changing requirement of the business and the prevailing business circumstances. I further admit that different leadership styles possess certain advantages and disadvantages. Nonetheless, in my opinion, participative leadership style contributes significantly towards performing various tasks within the company with ease (Rok, 2009). In the most general sense, participative leadership style can be defined as the leadership style wherein joint decision making is duly in practice. In other words, participative leadership style seeks to engage employees, subordinates and peers to participate in the organizational decision making. I believe that participative leadership style dramatically results in m aking the most optimum use of the ideas and creativity of those participants involved in the decision making process of an organization. The major reason why I prefer participative lea

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Short story Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Short story Critique - Essay Example nt even know the girl.†, â€Å"Which meant this place was just where the young lady would sleep and live right before being called back to the hospital for another long night†, â€Å"something ancient...something powerful†. The title of the story hints of philosophical content whereas the content points more towards mysticism. Even after reading the whole story we never really find out who Mr. Parish was. In this regard, the story bears a sense of incompleteness. ‘Jessica’ might not be the real identity of the girl. She remains just as a â€Å"dead body† who lived in the house and was enrolled at the local hospital. This story has numerous strengths. The picture of crime scene in the beginning, of Mr. Hannay himself, the entrance room and above all about Mr. Parish- his appearance and expressions- are all picturesque- â€Å"jogging pants and a sweat shirt†, â€Å"his green eyes almost seemed made of glass†. They are very much lively and vivid. Moreover, the story is capable of holding t reader’s interest till the very end. Every segment of the story is tightly bound to one single theme and the readers become excited, frightened and enthralled to discover the true identity of Mr. Parish. Somehow, a casual reading of the text does not reveal what made Mr. Parish kill a so- called Jessica, a girl he doesn’t even know. The author could have further developed her character. Also, Mr. Hannay’s character could have been more informative. The dialogues perfectly suit to the situations. There is no excess flow of emotions. Nowhere are they exaggerated, but the readers can very well perceive Robert’s eagerness and worries, Julie’s likings, and Mike’s casual feelings. Comparatively dialogues are fewer in first half of the story. But they make the ending a brilliant one. In the first half of the story, the motive of â€Å"The Closet† is not stated clearly. The reader wanders around senior high school manners, prom- night conventions and ceremonies, until one

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Public Class Login Form in VB

Public Class Login Form in VB Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles okButton2.Click Try mappDB.UserName = usernameTextBox.Text : mappDB.Password = passwordTextBox.Text Call mappDB.connect() MainForm.Show() Catch ex As Exception Call showError(ex.Message) End Try End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click If MessageBox.Show(Do you really want to quit now?, strApplicationName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then Application.Exit() End Sub Private Sub loginForm_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Me.Text = strApplicationName Login passwordTextBox.Text = String.Empty todo remove when launch usernameTextBox.Text = admin passwordTextBox.Text = 7151epeN End Sub End Class Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Configuration Public Class MainForm Structure _gridFilter Dim _sql As String Dim _criteria As String Dim _orderBy As String End Structure Dim gridFilter As New _gridFilter Dim cmdLocal As OleDbCommand Dim blIsActiveLoan As Boolean Dim bsGLSummary As New BindingSource Private Sub exitToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) If MessageBox.Show(Quit application now?, strApplicationName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then Application.Exit() End Sub Private Sub MainForm_Activated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Activated loginForm.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub MainForm_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing Call mappDB.close() : Call mappDB.dispose() mappDB = Nothing End Sub Private Sub NewLoanToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NewLoanToolStripMenuItem.Click borrowForm.ShowDialog() End Sub Private Sub BorrowerToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BorrowerToolStripMenuItem.Click borrowerForm.ShowDialog() End Sub Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Me.Text = strApplicationName for ConfigurationManager.AppSettings(client).ToString dateLabel.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(MMM dd yyyy) loginUserNameLabel.Text = mappDB.UserName loginsinceLabel.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(MMM dd yyyy hh:mm tt) filtercriteriaComboBox.SelectedIndex = 1 With glSumTotalDataGridView .ReadOnly = True .Rows.Add() : .Rows.Add() : .Rows.Add() .Item(0, 0).Value = Total Cr .Item(0, 1).Value = Total Dr .Item(0, 2).Value = Balance .Columns(0).Width = 550 .Columns(1).Width = 150 .Cursor = Cursors.Hand .SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect End With End Sub Private Sub searchfilterButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles searchfilterButton.Click Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor gridFilter._sql = SELECT pk_borrowerID,lastname as [Last name],firstname as [First Name] FROM tblborrower gridFilter._orderBy = ORDER BY lastname Select Case filtercriteriaComboBox.SelectedIndex Case 0 firstname gridFilter._criteria = WHERE firstname like filtervalueTextBox.Text %' Case 1 lastname gridFilter._criteria = WHERE lastname like filtervalueTextBox.Text %' Case 2 company gridFilter._criteria = WHERE company like filtervalueTextBox.Text %' End Select Call fillGrid(gridFilter._sql, gridFilter._criteria, gridFilter._orderBy, searchBrDataGridView, True) Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default End Sub Private Sub refreshGLSumToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles glsum_refreshToolStripButton.Click Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor gridFilter._sql = SELECT fk_borrowerid,fullname as [Borrower Name],sumofcr as [Sum of Cr], sumofdr as [Sum of Dr], Balance FROM qGLsummary If Not incZeroBalToolStripButton.Checked Then gridFilter._criteria = Else gridFilter._criteria = WHERE balance > 0 End If gridFilter._orderBy = ORDER BY Fullname Call fillGrid(gridFilter._sql, gridFilter._criteria, gridFilter._orderBy, glSumDataGridView, True, bsGLSummary) glsumRowCountToolStripLabel.Text = of glSumDataGridView.Rows.Count 1 Call firstToolStripButton_Click(sender, e) Call glsum_totals() Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default Call TotalOfGLSum() End Sub Private Sub Label9_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles drtotalal_glsumLabel.Click End Sub Private Sub viewGLSummaryToolStripButton1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles glsum_openToolStripButton.Click Try Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor Call TabControl1.SelectTab(1) gridFilter._sql = Select pk_mloanid , pk_loanref as [Loan Ref],isactive as [Active], Dated FROM tblloanmaster gridFilter._orderBy = ORDER BY dated DESC gridFilter._criteria = WHERE fk_borrowerid= glSumDataGridView(0, glSumDataGridView.CurrentRow.Index).Value.ToString Call fillGrid(gridFilter._sql, gridFilter._criteria, gridFilter._orderBy, brloanlistDataGridView, True) brloanlistDataGridView.Columns(2).Width = 40 brloanlistDataGridView.Columns(3).Width = 40 brloanlistDataGridView.Columns(3).DefaultCellStyle.Format = MMM dd yyyy brNameToolStripLabel.Text = glSumDataGridView(1, glSumDataGridView.CurrentRow.Index).Value.ToString generalledgerDataGridView.DataSource = Nothing Catch ex As Exception Call showError(ex.Message.ToString) Finally Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default End Try End Sub Private Sub borrowerDataGridView_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles searchBrDataGridView.CellContentClick End Sub Private Sub borrowerDataGridView_CellDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles searchBrDataGridView.CellDoubleClick gridFilter._sql = SELECT fk_borrowerid,fullname as [Borrower Name],sumofcr as [Sum of Cr], sumofdr as [Sum of Dr], Balance FROM qGLsummary gridFilter._criteria = WHERE fk_borrowerid = searchBrDataGridView(0, searchBrDataGridView.CurrentRow.Index).Value.ToString gridFilter._orderBy = ORDER BY Fullname Call fillGrid(gridFilter._sql, gridFilter._criteria, gridFilter._orderBy, glSumDataGridView, True) Call TotalOfGLSum() Call glsum_totals() End Sub Private Sub borrowerloanDataGridView_CellDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles brloanlistDataGridView.CellContentDoubleClick End Sub Private Sub generalledgersummaryDataGridView_CellDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles glSumDataGridView.CellDoubleClick Call viewGLSummaryToolStripButton1_Click(sender, e) End Sub Private Sub upd_newToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles upd_newToolStripButton.Click Try upd_datedDateTimePicker.Value = Now upd_ToComboBox.SelectedIndex = 1 upd_isactiveCheckBox.Checked = True Call combolist(SELECT pk_accntID,pk_code FROM tblaccount ORDER BY description, pk_accntid, pk_code, upd_AccntComboBox) Call upd_AccntComboBox_SelectionChangeCommitted(sender, e) upd_AmtNumericUpDown.Value = 0 upd_nextduedateDateTimePicker.Value = DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, 1, CType(duedateTextBox.Text.ToString, Date)) upd_statusComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0 Call toggleOnUpdate() Catch ex As Exception Call showError(ex.ToString) End Try End Sub Private Sub upd_editToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles upd_editToolStripButton.Click Try Dim a As Integer = brloanDetailsDataGridView.CurrentRow.Index Call combolist(SELECT pk_accntID,pk_code FROM tblaccount ORDER BY description, pk_accntid, pk_code, upd_AccntComboBox) Call toggleOnUpdate() With brloanDetailsDataGridView upd_recidLabel.Text = .Item(0, a).Value.ToString upd_AccntComboBox.Text = .Item(1, a).Value.ToString upd_datedDateTimePicker.Value = CType(.Item(2, a).Value, Date) If CType(.Item(3, a).Value, Double) > 0 Then entry is Cr upd_ToComboBox.Text = Cr upd_AmtNumericUpDown.Value = CType(.Item(3, a).Value, Decimal) Else upd_ToComboBox.Text = Dr upd_AmtNumericUpDown.Value = CType(.Item(4, a).Value, Decimal) End If upd_nextduedateDateTimePicker.Value = CType(duedateTextBox.Text.ToString, Date) upd_isactiveCheckBox.Checked = isactiveCheckBox.Checked End With Catch ex As Exception If Err.Number = 91 Then Call showError(Please click entry in General Ledger Details and click edit.) Else Call showError(Err.Number ex.Message) End If End Try End Sub Private Sub upd_applyToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles upd_applyToolStripButton.Click If Not IsNumeric(upd_recidLabel.Text) Then MessageBox.Show(Please select entry from GL Details. Click OK to continue., strApplicationName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) Exit Sub End If If upd_AmtNumericUpDown.Value = 0 Then Call showError(Enter amount value.) Exit Sub End If Dim i As Integer, _PostAmountTo As String = String.Empty If MessageBox.Show(Are all entries correct?, strApplicationName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then Try If upd_ToComboBox.Text.ToUpper = DR Then _PostAmountTo = dr Else _PostAmountTo = Cr If upd_recidLabel.Text = 0 Then cmdLocal = New OleDbCommand(INSERT INTO tblloandetails(fk_mloanid,fk_accntid,dated, _PostAmountTo ) VALUES(@fk_mloanid,@fk_accntid,@dated,@amt), mappDB.conn) Else cmdLocal = New OleDbCommand(UPDATE tblloandetails SET [emailprotected]_mloanid,[emailprotected]_accntid,[emailprotected], _PostAmountTo [emailprotected] WHERE pk_dloanid= upd_recidLabel.Text.ToString, mappDB.conn) End If With cmdLocal.Parameters .Add(@fk_mloanid, OleDbType.Integer, 0, fk_mloanid).Value = recIDLabel.Text .Add(@fk_accntid, OleDbType.Integer, 0, fk_accntid).Value = upd_AccntComboBox.SelectedValue .Add(@dated, OleDbType.Date, 0, dated).Value = upd_datedDateTimePicker.Value.ToString(MMM/dd/yyyy) .Add(@amt, OleDbType.Decimal, 0, _PostAmountTo).Value = upd_AmtNumericUpDown.Value End With i = cmdLocal.ExecuteNonQuery gridFilter._sql = SELECT pk_dloanid,pk_code as Particular,Dated,Cr,Dr FROM qloandetails gridFilter._criteria = WHERE fk_mloanid = brloanlistDataGridView(0, brloanlistDataGridView.CurrentRow.Index).Value.ToString gridFilter._orderBy = ORDER BY dated,pk_dloanid Call fillGrid(gridFilter._sql, gridFilter._criteria, gridFilter._orderBy, brloanDetailsDataGridView, True) Call gldetails_totals() blIsActiveLoan = False For i = 0 To brLoanDetailsSumDataGridView.Rows.Count 1 If CType(brLoanDetailsSumDataGridView.Item(4, i).Value, Double) > 0 Then blIsActiveLoan = True Exit For End If Next cmdLocal = New OleDbCommand(UPDATE tblloanmaster SET [emailprotected] WHERE pk_mloanid= recIDLabel.Text.ToString, mappDB.conn) With cmdLocal.Parameters .Add(@isactive, OleDbType.Boolean, 0, isactive).Value = blIsActiveLoan End With cmdLocal.ExecuteNonQuery() brloanlistDataGridView.Item(2, brloanlistDataGridView.CurrentRow.Index).Value = blIsActiveLoan end status check If blIsActiveLoan And MessageBox.Show(Update due date?, strApplicationName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then update loan due date cmdLocal = New OleDbCommand(UPDATE tblloanmaster SET [emailprotected] WHERE pk_mloanid= recIDLabel.Text.ToString, mappDB.conn) With cmdLocal.Parameters .Add(@duedate, OleDbType.Date, 0, duedate).Value = upd_nextduedateDateTimePicker.Value.ToString(MMM dd yyyy) End With cmdLocal.ExecuteNonQuery() End If Call toggleOnUpdate() MessageBox.Show(brNameToolStripLabel.Text.ToUpper general ledger update success. Click OK to continue., strApplicationName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) Catch ex As Exception Call showError(ex.ToString) Finally i = Nothing cmdLocal = Nothing mappDB.close() End Try End If End Sub Private Sub gldetails_totals() With brloanDetailsDataGridView .Columns(2).DefaultCellStyle.Format = MMM dd yyyy .Columns(3).Width = 80 .Columns(3).DefaultCellStyle.Format = 0,0.00 .Columns(3).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight .Columns(4).Width = 80 .Columns(4).DefaultCellStyle.Format = 0,0.00 .Columns(4).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight End With gridFilter._sql = SELECT fk_mloanid,pk_code as Particular, sumofcr as Cr, sumofDr as Dr,Balance FROM qloandetailssum gridFilter._criteria = WHERE fk_mloanid = brloanlistDataGridView(0, brloanlistDataGridView.CurrentRow.Index).Value.ToString gridFilter._orderBy = Call fillGrid(gridFilter._sql, gridFilter._criteria, gridFilter._orderBy, brLoanDetailsSumDataGridView, True) With brLoanDetailsSumDataGridView .Columns(2).DefaultCellStyle.Format = MMM dd yyyy For i As Integer = 2 To 4 .Columns(i).Width = 80 .Columns(i).DefaultCellStyle.Format = 0,0.00 .Columns(i).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight Next End With End Sub Private Sub glsum_totals() Dim _totalCr As Double = 0 Dim _totalDr As Double = 0 Try For i As Integer = 0 To glSumDataGridView.Rows.Count 1 _totalCr += CType(glSumDataGridView.Item(2, i).Value, Double) _totalDr += CType(glSumDataGridView.Item(3, i).Value, Double) Next Catch End Try Try add grid formatting With glSumDataGridView .Columns(1).Width = 350 .Columns(2).DefaultCellStyle.Format = 0,0.00 .Columns(2).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight .Columns(3).DefaultCellStyle.Format = 0,0.00 .Columns(3).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight .Columns(4).DefaultCellStyle.Format = 0,0.00 .Columns(4).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight End With With glSumTotalDataGridView .Item(1, 0).Value = FormatNumber(_totalCr, 2) .Item(1, 1).Value = FormatNumber(_totalDr, 2) .Item(1, 2).Value = FormatNumber(_totalCr _totalDr, 2) .Columns(1).DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight End With Catch ex As Exception Call showError(ex.Message) End Try End Sub Private Sub upd_calcToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles upd_calcToolStripButton.Click Try System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(calc) Catch ex As Exception Call showError(ex.ToString) End Try End Sub Sub haltKeys(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As KeyPressEventArgs) Handles datedTextBox.KeyPress, duedateTextBox.KeyPress, _ comakerTextBox.KeyPress, remarkTextBox.KeyPress, payableTextBox.KeyPress, monthlyintTextBox.KeyPress, monthlypenaltyTextBox.KeyPress, _ principalTextBox.KeyPress, monthlyintTextBox.KeyPress, monthlypenaltyTextBox.KeyPress e.Handled = True End Sub Private Sub export_glsumToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles glsum_exportToolStripButton.Click If (glSumDataGridView.Rows.Count 1) Dim h As Integer = 0, r As Integer = 4 excelApp = New Excel.Application excelWB = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(Application.StartupPath templatesglsummary.xlt) excelWS = CType(excelWB.Sheets(1), Excel.Worksheet) With excelWS For h = 0 To glSumDataGridView.Rows.Count 1 r = h + 4 4 is the base row .Cells(r, 1) = h + 1 sn .Cells(r, 2) = glSumDataGridView.Item(1, h).Value.ToString .Cells(r, 3) = glSumDataGridView.Item(2, h).Value.ToString .Cells(r, 4) = glSumDataGridView.Item(3, h).Value.ToString .Cells(r, 5) = glSumDataGridView.Item(4, h).Value.ToString Next balance .Cells(6, ExcelColumns.colE) = =C r -D r r += 1 .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colC) = =SUM(C4:C r 1 ) Cr total .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colD) = =SUM(D4:D r 1 ) Dr Total .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colE) = =C r -D r Balance Total .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colA) = Total .Range(A r :B r).Merge() .Range(A r).HorizontalAlignment = -4131 End With Call drawBorder(A4:E r) excelApp.Visible = True clean up variables h = Nothing excelWS = Nothing excelWB = Nothing excelApp = Nothing End Sub Private Sub gl_viewToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles gldetails_viewToolStripButton.Click If (brloanDetailsDataGridView.Rows.Count 1) Dim h As Integer = 0, r As Integer = 0 Dim s As String = String.Empty excelApp = New Excel.Application excelWB = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(Application.StartupPath templatesgldetails.xlt) excelWS = CType(excelWB.Sheets(1), Excel.Worksheet) With excelWS .Cells(3, ExcelColumns.colC) = brNameToolStripLabel.Text.ToString .Cells(4, ExcelColumns.colC) = loanRefLabel.Text.ToString .Cells(5, ExcelColumns.colC) = datedTextBox.Text.ToString .Cells(3, ExcelColumns.colG) = principalTextBox.Text.ToString .Cells(4, ExcelColumns.colG) = monthlyintTextBox.Text.ToString .Cells(5, ExcelColumns.colG) = monthlypenaltyTextBox.Text.ToString For h = 0 To brloanDetailsDataGridView.Rows.Count 1 r = h + 9 is the base row .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colA) = h + 1 sn .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colB) = brloanDetailsDataGridView.Item(1, h).Value.ToString .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colD) = CType(brloanDetailsDataGridView.Item(2, h).Value.ToString, Date).ToString(MMM dd yyyy) .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colE) = brloanDetailsDataGridView.Item(3, h).Value.ToString cr .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colF) = brloanDetailsDataGridView.Item(4, h).Value.ToString dr balance col If r > 10 Then .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colG) = =G (r 1) +E r -F r Next r += 1 balance .Cells(6, ExcelColumns.colG) = =E r -F r .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colE) = =SUM(E8:E r 1 ) .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colF) = =SUM(F8:F r 1 ) .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colG) = =E r -F r .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colA) = Total .Range(A r :D r).Merge() .Range(A r).HorizontalAlignment = -4131 End With Call drawBorder(A10:G r) excelApp.Visible = True h = Nothing excelWS = Nothing excelWB = Nothing excelApp = Nothing End Sub Private Sub what_accntButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles what_accntButton.Click Try cmdLocal = New OleDbCommand(SELECT description from tblaccount WHERE pk_accntID= upd_AccntComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString, mappDB.conn) Dim rd As OleDbDataReader = cmdLocal.ExecuteReader rd.Read() If rd.HasRows Then MessageBox.Show(upd_AccntComboBox.Text = rd(0).ToString . Click OK to continue., strApplicationName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) rd = Nothing cmdLocal = Nothing Catch End Try End Sub Private Sub AccountToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AccountToolStripMenuItem.Click rptAccountForm.ShowDialog() End Sub Sub toggleOnUpdate() brloanlistDataGridView.Enabled = Not brloanlistDataGridView.Enabled brloanDetailsDataGridView.Enabled = Not brloanDetailsDataGridView.Enabled upd_newToolStripButton.Enabled = Not upd_newToolStripButton.Enabled upd_editToolStripButton.Enabled = Not upd_editToolStripButton.Enabled upd_applyToolStripButton.Enabled = Not upd_applyToolStripButton.Enabled upd_cancelToolStripButton.Enabled = Not upd_cancelToolStripButton.Enabled End Sub Private Sub upd_cancelToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles upd_cancelToolStripButton.Click If MessageBox.Show(Cancel update?, strApplicationName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then upd_recidLabel.Text = 0 Call toggleOnUpdate() End If End Sub Private Sub borrowerloanDataGridView_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles brloanlistDataGridView.CellContentClick End Sub Private Sub TabControl1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TabControl1.Click If upd_applyToolStripButton.Enabled = True Then MessageBox.Show(Please complete updating/cancel GL of brNameToolStripLabel.Text.ToUpper . Click OK to continue., strApplicationName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) TabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1 End If End Sub Private Sub DueDateToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DueDateToolStripMenuItem.Click rptDueDateForm.ShowDialog() End Sub Private Sub rptBorrowerToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles rptBorrowerToolStripMenuItem.Click Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor Dim r As Integer = 4 excelApp = New Excel.Application excelWB = excelApp.Workbooks.Open(Application.StartupPath templatesborrower.xlt) excelWS = CType(excelWB.Sheets(1), Excel.Worksheet) cmdLocal = New OleDbCommand(SELECT * from tblborrower ORDER BY lastname, mappDB.conn) Dim rd As OleDbDataReader = cmdLocal.ExecuteReader While rd.Read With excelWS .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colA) = r 3 .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colB) = rd(lastname).ToString .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colC) = rd(firstname).ToString .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colD) = rd(jobtitle).ToString rd(company).ToString .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colE) = rd(contactnos).ToString .Cells(r, ExcelColumns.colF) = rd(address).ToString r += 1 End With End While If r > 4 Then Call drawBorder(A5:F r 1) excelApp.Visible = True mappDB.close() rd = Nothing cmdLocal = Nothing r = Nothing excelWS = Nothing excelWB = Nothing excelApp = Nothing Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default End Sub Private Sub AccountToolStripMenuItem1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AccountToolStripMenuItem1.Click accountForm.ShowDialog() End Sub Private Sub LogOffToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LogOffToolStripMenuItem.Click Me.Visible = False loginForm.Show() End Sub Private Sub borrowerloanDataGridView_CellEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles brloanlistDataGridView.CellEnter Dim rd As OleDbDataReader recIDLabel.Text = 0 Try gridFilter._sql = SELECT pk_dloanid,pk_code as Particular,Dated,Cr,Dr FROM qloandetails gridFilter._criteria = WHERE fk_mloanid = brloanlistDataGridView(0, brloanlistDataGridView.CurrentRow.Index).Value.ToString gridFilter._orderBy = ORDER BY dated,pk_dloanid Call fillGrid(gridFilter._sql, gridFilter._criteria, gridFilter._orderBy, brloanDetailsDataGridView, True) cmdLocal = New OleDbCommand(SELECT * FROM tblloanmaster WHERE pk_mloanid= brloanlistDataGridView(0, brloanlistDataGridView.CurrentRow.Index).Value.ToString, mappDB.conn) rd = cmdLocal.ExecuteReader rd.Read() If rd.HasRows Then recIDLabel.Text = rd(pk_mloanid).ToString loanRefLabel.Text = rd(pk_loanref).ToString datedTextBox.Text = CType(rd(dated).ToString, Date).ToString(MMM dd yyyy) duedateTextBox.Text = CType(rd(duedate).ToString, Date).ToString(MMM dd yyyy) comakerTextBox.Text = rd(comaker).ToString remarkTextBox.Text = rd(remark).ToString principalTextBox.Text = FormatNumber(rd(principal).ToString, 2).ToString monthlyintTextBox.Text = FormatNumber(rd(interest).ToString, 2).ToString monthlypenaltyTextBox.Text = FormatNumber(rd(penalty).ToString, 2).ToString isactiveCheckBox.Checked = CType(rd(isactive), Boolean) monthInterestNumericUpDown.Value = CType(rd(interest).ToString, Decimal) payableTextBox.Text = FormatNumber(CType(principalTextBox.Text, Double) * (CType(monthlyintTextBox.Text, Double) / 100), 2).ToString monthPenaltyNumericUpDown.Value = CType(rd(penalty).ToString, Decimal) End If Call gldetails_totals() Catch ex As Exception Call showError(ex.Message) Finally mappDB.close() rd = Nothing End Try End Sub Private Sub quitToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles quitToolStripMenuItem.Click If MessageBox.Show(Do you really want to quit now?, strApplicationName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then Application.Exit() End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick nowToolStripLabel.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString(MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss tt) End Sub Private Sub previousToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles previousToolStripButton.Click bsGLSummary.MovePrevious() End Sub Private Sub generalledgersummaryDataGridView_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles glSumDataGridView.CellContentClick End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) brloanDetailsDataGridView.Rows(1).Selected = True End Sub Private Sub BackupDatabaseToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BackupDatabaseToolStripMenuItem.Click End Sub Private Sub ToolStripLabel8_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) End Sub Private Sub upd_isactiveCheckBox_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles upd_isactiveCheckBox.CheckedChanged End Sub Private Sub upd_isactiveCheckBox_CheckStateChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles upd_isactiveCheckBox.CheckStateChanged End Sub Private Sub upd_isactiveCheckBox_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles upd_isactiveCheckBox.Click If upd_ToComboBox.Text.ToUpper = DR Then upd_isactiveCheckBox.Checked = True GoTo close End If Dim x As Double = 0 For i As Integer = 0 To brLoanDetailsSumDataGridView.Rows.Count 1 x += CType(brLoanDetailsSumDataGridView.Item(2, i).Value, Double) Next If x upd_AmtNumericUpDown.Value > 0 Then upd_isactiveCheckBox.Checked = True GoTo close End If Exit Sub close: MessageBox.Show(Zero balance loan cannot be close., strApplicationName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information) End Sub Private Sub upd_AccntComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles upd_AccntComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged End Sub Private Sub upd_AccntComboBox_SelectionChangeCommitted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles upd_AccntComboBox.SelectionChangeCommitted retrieve balance of selected account For i As Integer = 0 To brLoanDetailsSumDataGridView.Rows.Count 1 If brLoanDetailsSumDataGridView.Item(1, i).Value.ToString = upd_AccntComboBox.Text.ToString Then upd_AmtNumericUpDown.Value = CType(brLoanDetailsSumDataGridView.Item(4, i).Value, Decimal) Exit For End If Next End Sub Private Sub generalledgersummaryDataGridView_CellEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles glSumDataGridView.CellEnter Try selectedrowindexToolStripTextBox.Text = CStr(e.RowIndex + 1) Catch End Try End Sub Private Sub filtervalueTextBox_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles filtervalueTextBox.KeyDown If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then Call searchfilterButton_Click(sender, e) End Sub Private Sub nextToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles nextToolStripButton.Click bsGLSummary.MoveNext() End Sub Private Sub firstToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles firstToolStripButton.Click bsGLSummary.MoveFirst() End Sub Private Sub lastToolStripButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Han

Friday, October 25, 2019

Charles Darwin :: Biography Biographies

Charles Robert Darwin was a British scientist who laid the foundation of modern evolutionary theory with his views on life development through natural selection. He was born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, on February 12, 1809. After graduating from the elite school at Shrewsbury in 1825, Darwin attended the University of Edinburgh where he studied medicine. In 1827 he dropped out and entered the University of Cambridge in preparation for becoming a clergyman of the Church of England. While there, Darwin met two important people in his life: Adam Sedgwick, a geologist, and John Stevens Henslow, a naturalist. After graduating from Cambridge in 1831, the 22-year-old Darwin was taken aboard the English survey ship HMS Beagle, mainly because of Henslow's recommendation, as an unpaid naturalist on an expedition around the world. When the voyage began, Darwin didn't believe that species change through time, but he did believe in two prevailing ideas of the time. The first theory was that the earth was 6,000 years old and had remained unchanged except for the effects of floods and other catastropes. The second was that organisms were designed especially for certain habitats and appeared on the earth in their present form. After reading the works of a noted geologist, Darwin began to change his ideas. He saw evidence that the earth was much older than 6,000 years. In South America, he was witness to an earthquake that lifted the land several feet. He realized that mountains could be built by the action of an earthquake over millions of years. He found fossils of marine mammals high up on mountains, and realized that rocks must have been lifted from the ocean. Darwin also studied plants and animals. On the Galapagos Islands, he found animals that resembled animals on the South American continent, but not exactly the same. He understood that they must have come to the islands from the mainland, and then adapted into new species. He also observed the plant and animal life of South America, oceanic islands, and the Far East. He noted many examples that proved that animals in similar environments didn't always look the same. For example, the emus of Australia and the rheas of South America are two very distinct species, but they live in the same basic kind of habitat. Darwin thought about this, and asked himself the question, if animals were formed for a specific habitat, why would different species be found in habitats that are so similar? After leaving the HMS Beagle and returning to England in 1836, Darwin began recording his ideas about changeability of species in his Notebooks on the

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Discuss Two or More Psychological Explanations

Discuss two or more psychological explanations for institutional aggression. The importation model is a dispositional theory which states that an individual would bring in – import – characteristics from outside of prison which lead them to be aggressive in daily life. This then leads to aggression while incarcerated. Cheeseman said that men have a certain way of behaving, probably why they ended up in prison to begin with, which they then apply to their new setting. Irwin and Cressey found 3 subcultures within prisons, the criminal, the convict and the straight/conventional.They found that the convict subculture were most likely to be aggressive as they are influenced by deprivation, and bring values of this into the prison setting. Also, certain factors such as age, sex and race can affect the level of aggression you exhibit in prisons, as found by Janus. Support comes from DeLisi who examined prison records of 831 prison inmates from South West USA. They made note of prisoners who had been involved in street and prison gangs. They found a small but significant relationship between gang membership and prison aggression.This implies that they imported subculture values of being in a gang with them into prisons. Further support comes from Poole and Regoli who looked at juvenile correction facilities and found that inmates who were violent outside of prison where more likely to be violent inside of prison. This shows that they may have imported aggressive characteristics into the prison setting with them. However, in a real life setting this theory isn’t particularly useful, as it does not give any suggestions as to how aggression can be reduced within prisons.Also it is deterministic to say that people of a certain race, age and education level will be aggressive within prison as it ignores the fact that humans have free will and also would lead to stereotyping within prison. This theory can be considered socially sensitive as people will b e stereotyped and treatment towards them by others could change. This would in turn lead to scapegoating and possibly have a negative impact on the persons self esteem. The deprivation model is a situational model.Situational models say that it is the environment which causes aggression, not the individuals. This model suggests that aggressive behaviour within prisons is due to a prisoner being deprived of 5 fundamental rights that they would have outside of the prison setting. These include liberty –prisoners aren’t trusted to live in the free world, autonomy – prisoners have a lack of power – and security. When these are removed, it can lead to prisoners becoming stressed, anxious and often they act aggressively towards others to release this.Prison settings can also lead to deindividuation, as prisoners are represented by numbers and wear the same uniform as everyone else, causing them to lose their own identity. This can lead to aggression as individu als do not feel accountable for their actions. Also, the dysfunctional power systems model, outlined by Zimbardo, says that when people are given power without direction It can lead to aggressive behaviour. This is known as the Lucifer Effect, which was Zimbardo’s assertion that situations turn good people evil.An example that supports this is the treatment of Iraqi prisoners of war in Abu Ghraib. American military police tortured and abused Iraqi detainees after being given power to make sure they were ready for interrogation. This gave them the power to treat prisoners how they wished, without any restrictions on what is acceptable to do to them. This also supports the theory of deindividuation, as the soldiers were anonymous, and dehumanized the prisoners to make what they were doing appear justified.The deprivation model is culturally bias to a westernized culture, as in some cases where deprivation is common throughout life, prison may actually be a better environment fo r prisoners than their usual living environment, which would not explain any aggressive behaviour they may have. Also, in terms of applications to the real world, this model is quite effective, as if these deprivations were somehow prevented, it may improve aggression in prisons.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bilingualism and Biculturalism

Bilingualism and biculturalism are intertwined terms that have influenced the social model of modern society. As everyday passes by, the world keeps getting smaller and we continue conforming to the cultural norms of the global society. While bilingualism helps us to keep our native language intact, biculturalism reminds of our true roots. In a world with diminishing cultural boundary lines, bilingualism and biculturalism are critical factors that help preserve one’s cultural identity. Bilingualism Bilingualism is basically the ability to comprehend and effectively communicate in two languages.However, various experts have their own definition of bilingualism with certain nuances. For instance, a bilingual is one who is recognized as a native speaker by natives of both languages, according to a French linguist named Thiery (Chan 2). In recent times, the ability to construct and express complete, meaningful sentences is considered adequate for one to achieve bilingualism. B. Wa ys to measure bilingualism Bilingualism can be measured by evaluating the level of mastery of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in both languages.Most bilinguals have superior command over one language compared to the other, as it is not very common for an individual to have equal mastery of both languages. Likewise, some bilinguals can understand a language better than they speak it; they are commonly referred to as receiving bilinguals. It is generally accepted among the linguist community that knowing a minimum of five thousand words in a language is necessary to carry out effective communication. C. Types of bilingualismVarious types of bilingualism have been found to exist as linguists continue to study the reasons and methods governing the existence of bilingualism. Sometimes, learning a second language might lead to the deterioration of ones native language. This negative impact over a person’s native language is called as subtractive bilingualism. Howeve r, if second language proficiency is achieved without causing any negative impact one’s mother tongue, then it is known as additive bilingualism. When an individual’s communication skills improve in general from the mastery of a second language, it is known as ascendant bilingualism.In countries where people speaking a certain language are frowned upon, there is a tendency to conceal one’s native language owing to the fear of being stigmatized. This phenomenon is known as covert bilingualism. On the other hand, some nations in the world have two official languages, as a result of having people from different cultural backgrounds speaking two different languages. Although not all people in the country speak or understand both the languages, such a country is known to exhibit societal bilingualism.Bilingualism can be classified into infant bilingualism and artificial bilingualism, based on the nature of acquiring bilingualism. Infant bilingualism is a native way o f acquiring both languages simultaneously, right from a very early age when a child begins to talk. This way of acquiring bilingualism would most probably result in one attaining almost equal proficiency in both languages. This is possible when both languages are natural part of the child’s environment. This usually happens when each parent is a native speaker of one language or if the parents are proficient in both languages.This way, the child finds both languages natural since he/she is exposed to it since birth. Artificial bilingualism is a phenomenon according to which parents consciously try to pass on a language that is not either of their mother tongues, to the children. This could be a result of societal or cultural pressure to speak the language like a native speaker. Artificial bilingualism can have a negative impact if the parents try to force a language that they are not proficient at it, since this could lead the children to form an improper language model.D. Bi culturalism Biculturalism enables an individual to possess native-like knowledge of two cultures present in his/her country. Hence, a bicultural person would have the ability to relate to members of both cultures as well as act according to the demands of both cultures. True biculturalism is said to have been achieved if a person inherently feels like a part of both cultures. E. Biculturalism in society Biculturalism usually exists in a country where two different cultures or cultural identities are allowed to freely flourish within the society.It is characterized by widespread occupation of people belonging to two diverse cultures. However, true biculturalism cannot exist in a country where one culture is suppressed or discriminated. Bicultural countries have official policies to protect the interest of both cultures. It also facilitates equitable status and rights to people belonging to both cultures without any prejudice. These countries also celebrate festivals pertaining to bot h cultures to preserve integrity of both cultures and foster the spirit of togetherness. E. 1 Biculturalism in CanadaCanada follows a policy of official bilingualism as its gives equal status to both English and French in its parliament and courts. This was done to preserve the cultural identity of French communities in Canada, as support for the French language in Canada had weakened and English had become the preferred language in business and politics, by the end of the nineteenth century. As the years passed by, Francophone communities outside of Quebec begun to realize the extinction of their culture was inevitable, unless French-based education was made a top priority.Certain political forces in Quebec had also wanted a separate state during the 1960s. Franco-Albertans living in Quebec called for bilingualism and biculturalism to ensure that Canada stayed united. This led to the proclamation of the Official Languages Act of 1969 announcing Canada as a bilingual nation (Alberta ’s Francophone Heritage 3). Today, Franco-Albertans are entitled to exclusive French-only education according to rights guaranteed by Bilingualism and Biculturalism Commission, while French is also now used in government offices and hospitals in Alberta.All these developments with respect to biculturalism have kept Canada together as one nation and led to the revival of the French culture. E. 2 Biculturalism in Australia Australia was originally inhabited only by several indigenous tribes, until the Europeans settlers started to immigrate there. These relatively new settlers started to control the ethnicity of the immigrants settling down to ensure that Australia had a cultural identity of a British Colony. Until 1973, the governments empowered by the Immigration Restriction Act followed the White Australia policy to keep a check on non-European immigration.The racial injustice perpetrated by the White Australia policy official came to end by passing of the Racial Discriminat ion Act in 1975. Australia started to rigorously follow a bicultural policy similar to Canada, opening its doors to several thousands of immigrants from all over the world. The extent of Australia’s multicultural policy can be better understood from a 2005 Department of Immigration statistic which reports that forty percent of the contributing workforce in Australia had at least one parent born outside of Australia, while twenty-five percent of them were not originally born in Australia (Wikiepedia 9).Australian values of ‘mateship’ centered on equality, loyalty and friendship, have enshrined in its biculturalism policy and given equal rights to all Australian citizens irrespective of their ethnicity. Multiculturalism was initially perceived as the acceptance of people coming from different cultural backgrounds as members of Australian society. However, the significance of biculturalism has now deepened and empowered immigrants in Australia to express their cultu ral identity, thereby enabling them to experience both Australian culture as well as their native culture. E.3 Biculturalism in the United States America, in spite of being one of most culturally diverse nations in the world and built on values of equality, does not officially have a federal multiculturalism policy. That being said, America does practices biculturalism on a social level as immigrants from various countries are freely allowed to practice their religion and exhibit their cultural identity. The Hart-Cellar Act of 1965 nullified quotas based on one’s national origin. Since then, more twenty twenty-eight million people immigrants have legally been accepted by the United States of America.Bilingualism is also prevalent is certain Southern states that are heavily populated with Spanish-speaking immigrants. F. The relationship of bilingualism to biculturalism Bilingualism and biculturalism are concepts that are very closely tied together. Bilingualism not only helps one to connect and effectively communicate with the society around him/her, but also enables a person to maintain command over his/her native language. Since language is the key to stay in touch with one’s ethic or national culture, bilingualism helps foster biculturalism as well.F. 1. Origin of bilingualism in bicultural societies Canada was one of the pioneers of the New World to officially adopt the policy of bilingualism. In 1867, British North America Act was passed to legalize to conversing in English as well as French in Canadian Parliament as well as Courts of Law, thereby paving the way for a bicultural state. As the world’s political climate began to change during the beginning of the twentieth century, the idea of cultural pluralism started to gain momentum.Biculturalism began in western world and paved the way for biculturalism to be adopted as a political policy in many other parts of the world. F. 2. Bilingual education Bilingual education is a method of teaching all subjects to students through a country’s primary language as well as the student’s native language. There are several types of approaches and programs available to carry out bilingual education. Transitional programs teach all subjects in the students’ native language and English is taught as a separate subject until bilingual students can study along with other native students in normal classrooms.Dual Language programs consist of an equal combination of students who are native English speakers as well students who have another common native language. These methods enable all students in the class to be bilingual and understand subject matter in both languages. Late-exit program is yet another method that is quite similar to transitional programs, but it also teaches all the subjects in English again to reinforce the subject content and achieve effective bilingualism. It is hard to generalize and develop a common plan to educate bilingual students. For instance, in the US, young immigrants are either more educated or less educated native-born American students since immigrants from Asian countries are relatively well-educated compared to their South American counterparts, as a result of to social and economic differences. Language maintenance and Language shift Language maintenance is an effort to preserve the linguistic ability of child in his/her native language, while not compromising on learning the popular secondary language at school. It is can result from a passion for one’s culture or a necessity to communicate with elder members in the family.Career prospects due to international acclaim or the availability of media services such as television programs or books in one’s native could also cause language maintenance. The avoidance of one’s native language is known as language shift. For instance, bilingual children may stop using their mother tongue owing to a higher degree of English exposure in sc hool. Other factors that influence language shift are fear of one’s native language negatively influencing their English language skills or learning abilities.Lack of parental encouragement to maintain one’s native language can also lead to language shift. G. Transference Transference occurs when a person’s native language negatively influences the way he/she uses another language or vice-versa. This influence can occur in the form of distinctive oral expressions i. e. accent or odd sentence compositions. It is classified into lexical, phonological, semantic, prosodic, tonemic, syntactic and pragmatic transferences.CONCLUSIONThe concepts of bilingualism and biculturalism are two critical aspects that have held together societies comprising of several cultures, languages, races and ethnic backgrounds. Since transference or the deviation from the norms of a language could lead to language shift, proper bilingual education has to be provided to ensure that one is c omfortable using both languages. Bilingualism, the preservation of one’s native language accompanied by command over a country’s primary language, is necessary to achieve biculturalism in a society as well retaining one’s true cultural identity.References A Research Guide for Students. (1998-2006). Retrieved March 20, 2008. http://www. aresearchguide. com/1steps. html Bilingualism and Biculturalism. Retrieved March 20, 2008, from Alberta’s Francophone Heritage. http://www. edukits. ca/francophone/en/secondary/infomatics_text_bilingualism. html Chan, K. (1998). Bilingualism and Biculturalism. Retrieved March 20, 2008, from Academia. http://www. geocities. com/goktimus/bilingualism. html Multiculturalism. Retrieved March 20, 2008, from Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Multiculturalism